Healthy Aging: Preventing Bone Disease

Every day we live, our bodies age and we fail to recognize that our bones and muscles require activities to maintain strength, endurance, and resistance to the harsh realities of life. As children, our bones require continued activity throughout our lives. The bones will continue to grow until we reach 30. The bones start to fall apart after this age. This can be stopped by taking good care of your bones when you are young.

Exercise is a great way to maintain bone health. You can also increase calcium to maintain strong bones. There are supplements available that can help to reduce bone loss due to natural aging.

Calcium intake is vital throughout your entire life. Adults should consume 3 cups and children 2 cups respectively. Calcium found in food is more beneficial than taking pills. This is because you get more calcium, while food can sometimes have low levels due to processing. Keep your calcium levels high by getting it in your early years. Your bones require a combination of calcium and magnesium. A healthy amount of phosphorous is also necessary. Vitamin D helps calcium flow through your bloodstream. Healthy blood flows freely.

Vitamin D is essential for bone health. It should be taken in high doses starting at an early age. Do not sit inside the house all day. Instead, get out of your house at noon to enjoy the sun’s vitamin D rays. Although supplements can be useful, the sun is always better. You can take a 15-20 minute walk each day to enjoy the sun.

As we age, it is important to maintain our bones. Walking and weight bearing activities can be very beneficial. You will be able to survive falls by keeping your bones strong. Falling is one of the most common causes of fractures or bone loss, especially as we age.

Unfortunately, many adolescents don’t understand the importance of taking good care of their bones. Their bones begin to decline as they reach puberty. The bones begin to weaken once a person turns 50. This puts them at risk for fractures, disease, and even breakage. The bones will weaken and the muscles and joints will begin to deteriorate. These injuries can cause gouty arthritis and osteoporosis.

These high-risk bone fractures include hip fractures, which are the most common among the elderly. Although hip fractures might seem minor, they can be fatal.

Even if you’re in your thirties, weak bones can be avoided. It is never too late to fix or maintain our bodies.

Being fit is key to avoiding hip fractures, disease and other health problems. Your bones will remain healthy. You should consider creating a daily routine that includes exercise and activities. Because the bones are protected by the muscles, you want them to be mobile. Exercise and stretching will help prevent stiff joints. These joints support the bones and muscles.

You can maintain your weight by exercising. The body’s fat levels rise as you age to over 30%. This is an excessive amount of weight that causes damage to the bones, muscles, and joints. This extra weight will lead to problems in the future. Your risk of developing heart disease, bone disease and high blood pressure, high-cholesterol, and diabetes will be reduced if you maintain your weight.


Author: admin

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