Is The Law of Attraction Real In 2023?

Is The Law of Attraction Real?

Ever had a stranger come out of nowhere and give you the information you needed? Are you a stranger or a friend who has steered you away from making a mistake? Do you remember what it felt like?

Do you feel part of the experience of another person? Perhaps you gave them something or did something that was right for them. This is an uncanny coincidence. Did you ever find yourself in a position to help someone else? Maybe you felt the need to share your knowledge with a stranger because you knew exactly what they needed.

This interplay between people is what I call ‘Dancing. Every day we dance with other people. We can help others by being open and willing to participate in their experiences. These experiences can be positive and make us feel as if we are part of the flow of life. Some experiences can be more difficult or even painful and may leave us wondering how we managed to attract these negative or painful experiences into our lives.

The Law of Attraction Real

The Law of Attraction Real and Relationships

As a coach, therapist and individual, I have learned that the Law of Attraction is a powerful force that affects our lives. Simply put, what you focus on, your emotion, and your attention will attract to your life. To move towards intentional attraction, we must be aware of our intentions, attention, and emotional state. We move from creating events in our lives subconsciously to intentionally and purposefully affecting them. The Law of Attraction Real.

Several questions arise when discussing the law of attraction in relationships. These questions include: Are we able to attract a particular person into our lives. Do I have a responsibility – was I able to attract this abuse from a friend, colleague, or family member? How do I attract the love I desire?

These questions all have one thing in common: a search to determine where our responsibility ends, and what begins for another person.

The Law of Attraction Real: Matching

You attract the people you want to be in your life and interact with them.

Look at the people you attract to find out what your vibrating energy is. It’s a perfect match!

There are many matches that can be played with our vibrations. The easiest is when we have a match that is similar.

We want to be happy, confident, and optimistic in every aspect of our lives. This is when there is a feeling of joy and sharing. It’s a perfect match!

Low vibration can cause you to attract someone who is down. This is because our low vibration attracts someone with a similar vibration. The person will engage with us and either stay at the same vibration, or maybe we can all go lower together. How does that feel?

Is The Law of Attraction Real For Other Matches?

Ever had a friend, client or colleague who was stuck in a victim vibration and seemed to attract abusive partners in romantic or business relationships. A victim’s vibration can attract an abuser. The rescuer is a second match for the victim vibration. The ‘victim’ triangle, which we call the rescuer or ‘drama’ triangular, is made up of victims, rescuers and abusers. The three roles are often a match and people can get stuck in the triangle. They may be the victim in one relationship. They may be the victim or the rescuer in one relationship, but they can also be the abuser in another. The Law of Attraction Real.

The Law of Attraction Real

Many of the youth in my custody have fallen into this trap. They often resort to violence to ‘rescue’ someone or to exact revenge for a wrong. They feel like they have been victimized by the police when they are caught. They feel like they are being punished by the justice system when they are taken into custody. They discuss how they want to get even (offender and victim roles), and how they feel like victims of the justice system (victim and victim roles). They keep attracting the same three people into their lives, and custody becomes a revolving window. The Law of Attraction Real

This triangle can be interpreted in other ways. People who are very sick or in desperate need of help, or those who want to help them, will often use vibrating matches.



Many adults and children are unaware of the law and other forces that create their experiences. These people don’t realize the impact of their emotions, attention and focus. Their energy might be dispersed rather than focused, and their emotions could be reactive and mixed. These people can be ‘vulnerable’, and may become unconscious participants in the deliberate and focused manifestations of others. The Law of Attraction Real.

We all know that the majority of criminals choose their victims. This is a fact. They match vulnerable children, adults (banks, etc.) either unconsciously or conscious. At an intuitive level. This is why it is often preferred to young children, elderly people, and adults with disabilities. Children and adults can then be part of a more deliberate plan by someone with more emotion, focus, and intention. The Law of Attraction Real.

There are also individuals who use the same laws of attraction to create power or harm for themselves. These people believe they have the right or entitlement to these experiences, and are often unconsciously motivated to create them. Sometimes their focus is on a group and can be extremely powerful. This dynamic is evident in terrorists and other fear-based organizations.

The Law of Attraction Real and No Cost Choice

A Native teacher once spoke to me about the three concepts destiny, potential, free choice, and I had an amazing conversation. This is what he described, to the best of my knowledge.

Destiny: It is a chance to fulfill your life’s purpose. It is a predetermined situation that will occur at some time in your life. Some Native groups believe we were born with predestined problems that our ancestors agreed to before our birth. Others believe there are deals made with other souls prior to our birth in order to help us achieve our enlightenment.

Potential: The experience of being challenged can be either a powerful healing force or a destructive force. We can heal past and present issues if we accept the challenge and act with integrity and grace. We can hurt others and ourselves if we fail to meet the challenge.

Freedom of Choice: All people have the right to choose. We cannot attract someone who doesn’t want to be a part of our lives. We decide who we engage with, and what we do.

Our lives attract the right people. We have the choice to choose whether or not we engage with them. We are responsible to our actions. They are responsible for the actions they take. The Law of Attraction Real.

We can begin to see matches and experience as powerful information and feedback about what vibrating. You can choose to stay, leave or engage. You can also use this information for a higher vibration.

Implications for Law Of Attraction Practitioners: The Law of Attraction Real

Collaboration with others

Many of my counseling and coaching clients have engaged in the drama triangle (above). The Law of Attraction tools have been very useful in helping clients become aware of their emotions and how they affect their experience. They can also learn that if they are in a victim or poor me vibration, they will attract the right people and make the decision to engage. They learn how to change their vibration, and see a difference in the people they attract. They can choose a different vibration and feel empowered.

Coaching Practitioners and Coaches: Implications:  The Law of Attraction Real

We are law of attraction coaches and practitioners. Our goal is to help others and bring such experiences to our clients. Individuals who choose to create the life they want are offered our assistance. This is often a very joyful and intuitive experience. It is as if we are floating in the current of life.  The Law of Attraction Real.  This intention can also be manifested in other areas of your practice.

The Law of Attraction Real

Sometimes, people will be drawn to us and want to rescue or become heroes. They’ll say things like, “No-one understands me except you.” “Without your help, I would be lost ….” They need direct advice. You have to make the decision. However, this does not empower them. It keeps them in the ‘victim’ position. Sometimes counselors and coaches can be seduced into playing the rescuer role and join their client in the drama triangle. What impact could this have on our lives beyond the office? The Law of Attraction Real

In Closing Is The Law of Attraction Real?

We can help others make better decisions as law of attraction coaches and practitioners. It is possible to empower others to move with grace and integrity toward joyful, fulfilling relationships.


Author: admin

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