The Health Benefits of a Ketogenic Diet

The Health Benefits of a Ketogenic Diet

Ketogenic dieting is a type of diet that focuses on high fats, adequate proteins and low carbs. The goal of the Ketogenic diet is to reduce the body’s glycogen reserve so that it can rely on fat and protein as energy. The body enters ketosis. This is when your liver produces high levels of ketones to provide an alternative fuel source for your brain. This type of diet is very popular. There are many pictures of before and after photos that circulate on social media. These are just a few of the benefits of the keto diet, and how they may help you achieve your goals.



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Weight Loss

Numerous studies have shown that those who eat a low-carb diet burn fat faster than those who eat a high-fat, low-carb diet. The low carb diet (keto) has lower insulin levels which help to eliminate excess water from your body. Ketosis can reduce hunger and help you lose weight. Low carb diets have been shown to be effective in reducing visceral fat. This is primarily found in the abdomen cavity.

Mental Performance

Low carb ketones are more efficient than glucose as a source of energy. They can help improve cognitive impairment, as well as treat diseases like Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s. High-fat diets help to maintain a healthy balance of essential omega 3s, and omega 6, which are crucial for brain function. Ketosis can also increase mitochondria production and adenosine Triphosphate in the brain’s memory cell, which will improve mental performance and clarity.

Lower risk of Chronic Disease

The body can be more resilient to a variety of diseases by eating a ketogenic diet. It can reduce inflammation and improve mitochondrial function which can help to lower the risk of developing many chronic diseases. A cancer cell’s abnormal mitochondria are likely to have a higher demand for glycogen. Ketosis allows normal cells to be fed, while cancer cells are starved. This is because they cannot use the ketones as energy due to their dysfunctional mitochondria.


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Improved blood pressure

High blood pressure is a major cause of death worldwide and increases the likelihood of many diseases. In lowering blood pressure, a low-carb diet is more effective than a low fat diet. Some even claim it’s as effective as pills. Combining this with the ketogenic diet weight loss, will greatly improve cardiovascular health.

Numerous studies have shown that this type of diet can have a positive effect on your overall health, and your bodily function. The rewards are endless if you are able to keep the discipline. The keto approach is a great option for those who haven’t been able gain much success with traditional methods.


Author: admin

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