Are You Looking to Lose 6 Pounds in a Hurry?

Are you looking to quickly lose 6 pounds? Many diets target people who are looking to lose more than 20 pounds. However, this plan will help you shed 6 pounds fast – maybe in one week.

Clear out all foods that are high in fat. Clear out your fridge and toss everything. Donate any packaged food to your local food bank.

Next, you can go to the grocery shop and only buy these 16 items:

1. Whole wheat bread

2. Tuna

3. All fruits, all kinds

4. All vegetables

5. 8 oz. 8 oz.

6. Two chicken breasts

7. Salad vegetables

8. Balsamic vinegar

9. Special K Cereal

10. Skim milk

11. Brown rice

12. Instant oatmeal, but not the packaged sweetened variety.

13. Turkey breast sliced

14. 3 portions of fish

15. Low-fat yogurt

16. Eggs

These foods will be the foundation of your diet. Now, create a plan for the next seven-days. You will then be committed to following it. Clearing out your kitchen before you start is a way to ensure that there won’t be any food you “cheat”.

You should also get a pedometer to ensure that you are walking at least 10,000 steps per day. This may seem like a lot but there are ways to get more steps in.

1. You should park far from your store or work front. You will be able to park more easily and get more steps in.

2. Instead of using the elevator, take the stairs. If you are working above the fourth floor, take the elevator down at least two floors earlier and then walk the remainder of the way.

3. If you need to reach a coworker at work, don’t call or email them. Instead, go to their desk or office.

4. Take the bus, train or other mass transport and get off at least one stop early.

5. Take the dog for a walk. Volunteer to walk your neighbor’s dog if you don’t own one.

6. Walk before you go to dinner. Walking before you eat will not only increase your daily steps, but it will also reduce your appetite.

If you want to lose weight, make sure to drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water every day. This can be achieved by drinking at least one liter of water each day at work and at home. You can substitute plain water with unsweetened iced tea, sugar-free lemonade or punch if you don’t enjoy water.

You can lose 6 pounds in one week. You can lose 6 pounds by changing your diet, exercising more and drinking lots of water. This plan is not something you can do for your entire life. It only takes a week. You’ll lose 6 pounds during that time.

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Author: admin

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