How to Cure IBS Permanently: Find What Works! (2021)

How to Cure IBS Permanently! Many people suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), an intestinal disorder. IBS symptoms include a shaky stomach and irregular bowel movements.

So, How to Cure IBS Permanently. Many doctors believe IBS is incurable. Is IBS possible to heal? Patients are not “cured” of IBS in herbal medicine. Although IBS can be managed, it is not possible to cure it to the extent that you don’t have to handle it.

But, James Walden suffered from IBS for eight years. He was told by doctors that he would never be free from IBS. He was able to cure his IBS naturally and permanently in 2 months, contrary to what doctors had predicted. His new book, The IBS Miracle, will show you how!  

how to cure ibs permanently

The IBS Miracle

Know how to cure IBS symptoms permanently and naturally in just 2 months.

How to Cure IBS Permanently

These are the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.

  • Bloating
  • Stomach cramping and pain
  • Excessive gas can be a problem.
  • Unusual bowel habits
  • Growing in the stomach
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation

Different types of IBS

There are four types of IBS.

  1. IBS-D refers to a type of IBS that is marked by an increase in the frequency of diarrhea.
  2. IBS-C refers to a type of IBS marked by more constipation.
  3. IBS-M (mixed), is when you have frequent diarrhea and constipation.

If your symptoms don’t fall under any other category, it is called IBS-U (unclassified).

Is IBS a chronic condition? Many gastroenterologists believe IBS is a chronic condition that can last a lifetime. Others disagree. According to cutting-edge research, IBS can be treated in many cases.

Is it possible for IBS to be cured?

According to studies and our personal experience, IBS patients may be cured if the underlying reasons for the condition are identified and treated.  

Is it possible for IBS to be cured? Traditional therapy is not effective for IBS patients. Although it is possible to manage IBS, it is not possible to eliminate it completely.

Preliminary research suggests that IBS can be treated in many cases. Patients with IBS have reported that they were able to get rid of it in the past depending on the cause. Most cases of IBS can be prevented by avoiding triggers.
IBS is considered incurable by doctors.

Because they don’t understand the nature of these diseases, conventional medicine doesn’t classify them or discuss them. There are many other reasons that can cause IBS symptoms. Therefore, there is no one treatment. Instead, there are several options.

Although there are several IBS treatments that work for individual IBS patients and there have been some success stories, the majority of doctors still believe there is no cure. 

In 5 Easy Steps, IBS can be cured

The first step is to test for IBS triggers. There are a variety of reasons for IBS, each one requiring a different treatment.
Below are 5 steps that answers How to Cure IBS Permanently.

1. IBS symptoms.

The first step in permanently curing IBS is recognizing the IBS trigger.

  • * IBS triggers are:
  • * Long-term anxiety
  • * Antibiotic abuse
  • * A leaky gut
  • * Bacterial overgrowth of the gut (SIBO).
  • * Yeast bloat
  • * Parasites
  • * Hormone discord
  • * Tone vagal
  • * Thyroid problems
  • * allergens
  • * Poisoning
  • * Alcoholism
  • * Caffeine abuse

IBS triggers can be very frequent. SIBO can lead to symptoms in IBS patients. SIBO can affect up to 80%. We test IBS patients for SIBO.

Rarely, we might trigger multiple IBS triggers in one patient.

2. Discuss medicines

Side effects are common with many medicines. There is no doubt that IBS symptoms can be relieved by some medications, especially antibiotics.

3. Reduce your FODMAP and eat an anti-inflammatory diet.   How to Cure IBS Permanently

There are IBS diets available that work. Avoid dairy products and grains if you are allergic to them.
Low-FODMAP is the most popular IBS diet.

IBS sufferers should follow a low-FODMAP diet. IBS sufferers are often advised by mainstream doctors to eat a low-FODMAP meal plan.

FODMAP is short for fermentable oligos, disaccharides and mono. FODMAPs can be described as fermentable carbohydrates. IBS symptoms can be aggravated by fermentation in the intestines.

Low-FODMAP diets do not recommend taking antibiotics. FODMAPs are a better choice for antibiotics.

4. Change your habits

How to Cure IBS Permanently, it requires long-term healthier choices that can significantly improve your quality of life.
IBS patients might experience changes in their daily life, such as:

You can relax every day with these relaxation techniques

Exercise regularly.

Intermittent fasting refers to a form of fasting that is intermittent and occurs throughout the day.

Before beginning any fasting program, it is important to discuss the matter with your doctor. Fasting is not recommended during pregnancy, or for those who are severely overweight. How to Cure IBS Permanently

5. Take digestive supplements

As natural IBS remedies, gut-healing supplements are becoming more popular. For healthcare supplements, visit our online shop.

These home remedies have been proven to be effective for many IBS patients over the years through group research.

  • IBS-friendly gut-healing supplements
  • Multi-strain probiotics are a great way to increase diversity in your gut bacteria. This is a key cause of IBS.
  • IBS sufferers can feel relief from pain with peppermint oil.
  • Supplements made from Psyllium fiber can reduce IBS symptoms.
  • Magnesium can help IBS-C patients with constipation.
  • IBS-C may be helped by CBD (cannabidiol).
  • Vitamin D supplementation can improve IBS symptoms as well as quality of life.
  • Digestive enzymes aid the GI system to digest.
  • Berberine is a natural remedy for SIBO and yeast.
  • Artemisia kills parasites.
  • Chasteberry balances hormones.
  • Clinical research has demonstrated that herbal mixtures such as FC-cidal or Dysbiocide can treat SIBO.
  • Talk to your doctor about new supplement options.

How to Cure IBS Permanently: How long does it take?

IBS can take many months to completely resolve for many people. IBS sufferers may notice a decrease in symptoms in as little as a week. It depends on the IBS trigger that is causing the pain. Check out this list of IBS Symptom relief programs! This is How to Cure IBS Permanently.  

James Walden suffered from IBS for eight years. He was told by doctors that he would never be free from IBS. He was able to cure his IBS naturally and permanently in 2 months, contrary to what doctors had predicted. His new book, The IBS Miracle, will show you how!  Click on the image to see more information!


How to Cure IBS Permanently


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